Aug 29Liked by Guy Sagi

Stay on their ass

Let me know if you need anything

Capt Andy

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Aug 29Liked by Guy Sagi

Keep up the good work !

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Thank you....but it's not my best stuff for sure.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Apparently, it’s far worse. I have heard from sources in the Hoke County government that the electric bill for the facility is approximately $10,000 per month. Revenue is only $2,000 per month.

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Electric bills have risen for everyone. With the sheer volume of space to cool, plus pool, I wouldn't be surprised if your sources are right on that recurring expense. Add maintenance, employees and other utilities and, for the welfare of Hoke County residents, I sure hope they are wrong about the second number. I'll send another Freedom of Information Act, although as you read above the county doesn't seem compelled to answer. And thank you for the information. It's awesome you provided it after subjecting yourself to my modest writing style. I sure hope you and your loved ones have a glorious day.

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Great summation! Unfortunately as former President Obama stated “Elections have consequences”. We are reaping the effects of uninformed / disinterested voters here in Hoke County.

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Agreed. You would think, at the very least, there would be some sort of e-mail or phone number available to leave a direct message read or heard by the County Commissioners. It's a shame when constituents don't have at least that resource.

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