Sep 29Liked by Guy Sagi

As a hoke high student myself I have one thing to say. This new principle has got to go. I've seen so many things change at this school since Benson left and it's exhausting. Multiple people I know are missing their first periods, including me, because she cannot get her stuff together. The fights, the undisciplined students, the emails she sends out, her not taking the time to reply to concerned and angry parents, it's incredibly unprofessional. That's just my two sense on this though. -A Hoke High student.

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Sep 30Liked by Guy Sagi

I can't speak on this current school year, as I have gone online with my schooling. But I can say I fully agree, I went online to protect my 11 year old sister from the hell hole that this school district has become. This school is full of drug abuse and sale, and way too much violence

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Oct 2Liked by Guy Sagi

First off those students smoking pot needs a deputy to come and get them!! Second of this principle or this bad someone needs to notify the new media with the proof of the threatening emails!

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Sep 30Liked by Guy Sagi

I find this extremely misleading. She has been principal for a few months, and we can see no change that quickly after years of poor administration. Teachers are upset that they now have to actually follow rules that have been in place, they just simply weren’t enforced. Hoke High has been known for its fights for decades at this point. In my experience, Pegram has fought for equal opportunity for all students. To respond some other comments, I know MANY individuals who didn’t like her but nobody ever felt she was racist. She spoke out for our minorities time and time again. She locked the bathrooms because the students were misbehaving (Smoking, having sex, and fighting), which didn’t mean you couldn’t go to the bathroom. It was always unlocked during passing periods and all you had to do was get a key from the front office, which was maybe five steps away from the bathroom. She is not a perfect woman, but just because you have a poor experience does not mean she is a terrible person. She had managed the only A rated school in Hoke County and held her students responsible and up to standards they would face in college. She would meet individually with every student and create a personalized plan, ask about our family, check in on us mentally. Your issues with her does not define her success as an educator. - SandHoke Alumni

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Sep 29Liked by Guy Sagi

Is there a way we can connect with this staff member? I myself was a student when she was principal at sandhoke. She was the worst person ever. She never listened to the students or the staff members. She was also racist and would talk down to our Hispanic and Latino students. Whenever we would complain about any teachers failing to do their job or being unprofessional she would play "Devils advocate" and would say she would speak with them but never did. One instance, we were in class and a teacher at the time became livid when a male student put a hair clip in his hair and started saying how bad it is and how bad it is to be gay. Most of us wanted to leave the classroom that day. Other instances we had with her while under her rule was she would lock our bathrooms when students would smoke in there and we would all be punished and have to sign in to get the key. The front office was able to see who came in and out of the bathroom. It was just no one wanted to do their job and she'd rather punish everyone instead of finding the ones responsible. There was another time where I had passed out in the lunchroom after my blood pressure had dropped severely and instead of trying to get me any sort of help or medical attention she called my mom to take me home and was more worried about dress code and getting me out of the building rather than my safety. (My mother was extremely upset that day). Me and the principal would argue constantly over the ridiculous rules she had in place and how she wouldn't do her job. To the point that when I graduated when she went to hand me my diploma she said, "who am I gonna fight with now?". Extremely unprofessional. She won't do any good for Hoke High and it's going to be a reality check for her if she doesn't start listening to the complaints. I wish the best for the staff and students. - Previous Sandhoke Student

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I'll make sure the teacher sees your request....and I'll let you know if she's OK connecting with you.

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Sep 30Liked by Guy Sagi

Thank you so much!

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